Glossomatheia - Who we are

If you want to learn foreign languages, if you are or want to become a language teacher, if you want to take exams or study abroad, come to Glossomatheia!

Since 1990 we have been offering a series of programs for children, adolescents and adults that combine education and joyful participation in the journey for knowledge.

In Glossomatheia, we do not just teach foreign languages. We create a community where multilingualism is one of our tools for communication and self-expression.

In an environment where the voice of the student is important, we learn through cooperation, respect, freedom and trust.

Have a look at our programs (specialized for preschool, children, teenagers, exam preparation, university students, business people, teacher education) and select the one that suits you.

Or visit us to see for yourselves a different approach to foreign language education and a modern concept on the importance of true learning.

"The limits of my language mean the limits of my world"

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Certificate of accreditation

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