Σάββατο, 30 Ιανουαρίου 2021 στις 3 μ.μ. – 4:30 μ.μ.
Online εκδήλωση
The Webinar aims to prepare teachers for the specific challenges of working with very young learners, aged 4-7 years old.We will explore some of the key characteristics, needs and strengths of the very young learners and then we will go on to examine the practical implications as these relate to our planning and teaching methodologies.Art Lab, CLIL, Science Lab: Keeping those Curious Minds Curious is not an easy job but teaching the VYL is certainly amazing since every lesson brings surprises and delight.You will need:
2 cups of flour
1 cup of salt
2 tablespoons of oil
2 tablespoons of cream of tartar (κρεμοριο:θα το βρείτε στα φαρμακεία εύκολα)
2 cups of boiling water
2 cups of oatmeal
3 bowls (small-medium-big)
3 spoons
Trainer: Elizabeth Veliou
Fee: 25 euro
To register, call 2106658521 or send an email to info@glossomatheia.com
Elisavet Veliou has a BA in English Language and Literature (Aristotle
University of Thessaloniki). She also has an MA in Cinema Studies (University of Bristol, UK) and her areas of expertise are teaching English through films as well as experiential learning and teaching very young learners. She is a school owner in Lamia and she got the 2020 ELT Excellence Award for her School's programme "My little House of
English" for teaching English to very young learners.